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Imagine providing outstanding appliance repairs while your online presence is taken care of. Our web design for appliance repair makes it happen.

An appliance repair business has a lot of moving parts that operators need to be focused on. This means that the more that can be taken care of easily, the better. How about a subscription model with a low cost allowing for peace of mind that comes from knowing the business's online presence is being well taken care of? No one is saying that there is something inherently wrong with using an appliance repair website template. However, by taking the time to find out more about the customer and crafting a proper layout, the finished product will be tailor-made and as effective as possible to achieve the desired result.


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Hire a web designer that's built appliance repair websites. The cost of our websites are so low, that it earning just 1 job per year will pay for itself.


Fill out 1 form that takes 5 minutes, and we'll take it from there. If the website isn't done within 2 weeks your first month will be free, guaranteed.


We don't force you into contracts, or tack on extra fees. We've kept all our clients because we do good work, not because we force them to work with us.


We are on-call to make unlimited website changes. We'll get your most recent job photos up or any other updates to the site done for you. YOU DO NOTHING!

Reasons Blue Collar Websites Is the Solution to Optimal Online Engagement

Businesses of Any Size

There is a tried and tested process that makes it easy to collect business information from a potential client, which can then be used to craft a professional website. Thankfully, the workflow was not designed with any specific business size in mind, which means that a large corporation, a small business, and anything in between can be easily taken care of.

As Many Changes As It Takes to Make You Happy

How many times will the team be willing to make edits on a single site before it will no longer allow changes after the initial build? At Blue Collar Websites, no number is too much. The idea is to ensure that customers are satisfied, and the team is willing to edit things as many times as it takes to achieve that outcome at creation time.


It may be that a client decides that it no longer wishes to continue the engagement. There is no problem with this, as a full refund will be provided.

Highly Accessible

Intuitiveness is a non-negotiable part of any well-regarded website. What kind of language is used? Are the colors present complementary? Can direct users adequately? When someone does click on a menu option, is where it takes them logical?


What kinds of features are in place to support disabled groups to navigate the pages? Do they not require appliance repair services too? Blue Collar Websites can guarantee a design that makes allowances for all such groups.a

Unbeatable Appliance Repair Website Design

As indicated before, the design of the site will be highly specific, and this is at two layers. First, there is the matter of the trade. The kinds of language and visual elements that would work for a plumber, for example, will likely have no relevance in the appliance repair industry.


Beyond that, there is the specific customer being served. There is competition in just about every field, but that doesn't mean that a standard white-label approach should be used where two different customers in the same industry would end up with the same website and only different logos.


Blue Collar believes in building from the ground up, which is the only way to ensure uniqueness. This is complemented well by the specific insights that will be received from a given customer.


The service offered doesn't stop with the building of the website though. What is being offered is a full management service, which guarantees consistent security and a user-friendly operation. All web changes are covered for clients as a part of the subscription, so obsolescence will never be a concern or factor.

Understanding Clients

This is where the competitive advantage really comes from. Truthfully, there are many skilled website designers out there. However, how many of them can say that they focus so much on requirement elicitation and getting it right to the extent of constant changes if required? Customers should feel a sense of pride and satisfaction after looking at the finished product.

The American Difference

Supporting local businesses and making use of local resources are very important courses of action. Blue Collar prides itself on being an "American first" business. What does this mean? Well, no one is hired overseas.


Every member of the staff was born and raised in the USA. Sure, the bump in quality means that this is not the cheapest company a client can find. However, if the aim is to work with a US service provider that can guarantee a well-built and responsive page, Blue Collar is the one.

Quick Turnaround

Business stops for no one, which means that clients cannot wait forever to have their new business pages up and running. To this end, Blue Collar guarantees an incredible turnaround time of two weeks. If that timeline cannot be adhered to as expected, then the cost for the first month will simply be waived.

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The Most Valuable Subscription a Business Will Ever Need

Value is a combination of price and functionality, and Blue Collar Websites has successfully managed to optimize things on both fronts. The cost of the service is only $97 monthly, which can be easily covered by businesses offering household appliance repair services.


Of course, the value comes from what the team can create to communicate the brand, services, policies, and more to potential and existing clients.

Why Clients Need a Strong Web Presence

Everyone is online these days. It's one of the reasons why the usage of social media sites is at a higher rate than ever. There is nothing that a business can do to change that habit, which means that the best course of action is to start making use of an online presence to attract the clientele that is desired.

Are You Ready for a Top-notch Appliance Repair Website?

No one way exists to approach website design. However, it is possible to come up with a systematic style that is tried, tested, and proven. This ensures a consistently high level of service delivery, which is what we are about at Blue Collar.


Why don't you have a conversation with our expert team to flesh out what your needs may be? You won't be bound by any contract, so no need to worry. Give us a call today at (740) 729-1010!

Ready For An Appliance Repair Website?

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